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Ruslana Hrynach
Leading optometrist
with 14 years of experience
Svitlana Ivanska
Leading optometrist
experience - 9 years
Nadiya Pavkovich
experience - 14 years
Olena Sybira
Adult Ophthalmologist, 15 years of experience.
Natalya Kanarska
experience - 5 years
Olenа Marihoda
experience - 9 years
Oksana Sodoma
Adult ophthalmologist, optometrist
experience - 5 years
Vladyslav Zhmurko
Adult ophthalmologist, optometrist
experience - 2 years
Tetyana Shilenko
with 2 years of experience
Margarita Fryantseva
Children's ophthalmologist
experience - 5 years
Orysia Mariniak
Certified Optometrist, 5 years of experience
Maria Kulyina
Adult Ophthalmologist, 3 years of experience
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MEGAOPTIKANovy TsUM (Kn. Olga, 106)
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MEGAOPTIKANovy TsUM (Kn. Olga, 106)
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